# Kiwix W3M Access StackOverflow or Wikipedia from the console. You can read more about the motivation in my [blog article](https://ch-st.de/offline-first-programming/) Requirements: * `kiwix-tools` * `python3` * `w3m` * [stackoverflow.com_en_all_2022-05.zim](https://download.kiwix.org/zim/stackoverflow.com_en_all.zim.torrent) and [wikipedia_en_all_maxi_2022-05.zim](https://download.kiwix.org/zim/wikipedia_en_all_maxi.zim.torrent) Serve up your downloaded ZIM files: `kiwix-serve -p 8081 ~/Downloads/*.zim` You can also use the provided systemd service file (`mv kiwix.service ~/.config/systemd/user && systemctl --user daemon-reload && systemctl --user enable --now kiwix.service`). ## Usage #### Start page `wikipedia.sh` `stackoverflow.sh` #### Search `wikipedia.sh kattegat` `stackoverflow.sh reverse linked list haskell` Wikipedia articles with article slug: `wikipedia.sh --exact 'Haskell_(programming_language)'`