# Die ZEIT Downloader This is a simple downloader for the digital formats of the weekly newspaper [Die Zeit](https://www.zeit.de). A digital subscription is required. It is written in 125 lines of python [![asciicast Demo](https://asciinema.org/a/yUSupdGELwQc1KvLUlJmbXwch.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/yUSupdGELwQc1KvLUlJmbXwch) ## Features * Specify formats that are to be downloaded * Skip redownload if file content matches (epub, mobi) or if file already exists (pdf) unless explicitly specified with `--reload` ## Installation 1. Clone this repo or download the `zeitdownload.py`. 2. Make sure the requirements are installed: * `sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt` 3. Run with `./zeitdownload.py`. 4. To install globally, run `sudo python3 setup.py install`. ## Documentation ``` usage: zeitdownload.py [-h] --email EMAIL --password PASSWORD [--reload] [--pdf] [--epub] Download "Die Zeit" in multiple formats from the premium subscription service options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --email EMAIL Email you used for the digital subscription signup --password PASSWORD Corresponding password --reload Download file even though it already exists --pdf Download full-page PDF --epub Download EPUB file for E-Readers ```